Astronomy Night

So a while ago my friend Doug asked me if I wanted to bring me telescope to do astronomy night with him and his wife in Ipswich Massachusetts. His wife teaches science at the high school in Ipswich MA. Since then I have been volunteering with him for the high school in Ipswich MA.

As of Nov. 16th 2024,

So in November of 2024 we went out to see the stars with the students of Ipswich High School. We managed to see Jupiter with 4 of it’s Moons which included Callisto, Ganymede, Io, and Europa. We got to also see Saturn and it’s rings plus a few of it’s moons, our moon, and the Orion Nebula. That night was a full moon and not just any moon a super moon as well.

I was so impressed that night because we got to see the planets like we were staring into a photograph into the sky. We could see the banding of Jupiter and Saturn and we got to see the rings of Saturn quite clearly. Not only that unfortunately Jupiter’s great red spot was on the other side of the planet by then.

According to the people who ran the event that was the best event for Astronomy Night with Ipswich high school they had ever had. That was so much fun.

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